What to do When Your Schedule Gets Stressful

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When you wake up on Monday morning do feel a lump at the bottom of your stomach just thinking about all you have to do and get done for the week? For those of us in school, do you feel like you’re going to miss a homework assignment? When you look at the “To Do” task bar on Canvas do you wonder how you’ll ever be able to get everything done? What if I told you there is a way to wake up on Monday morning feeling ready to go for the week, knowing you’re not going to miss an assignment, have everything turned in on time, and still have time for friends, family, and Netflix?

You’re probably wondering what secret I hold to helping make your busy life less stressful. The simple answer is scheduling. I have learned from many stressful semesters of middle and high school that I function much better when I have a schedule to work from. I was homeschooled, but took a few online classes in middle and high school. The first online class I took had two or three quizzes for me to take every week, but the deadline wasn’t until the end of the semester. So, I waited until two weeks before class ended to take around 40 quizzes. I was so stressed!

Since then, I have slowly been working on creating a schedule that works for me. Here is what I do each week to ensure I stay on top of my homework assignments and still have time to spend with my husband without being too stressed.

Here is what my weekly schedule looks like.


It takes me anywhere from 10 to 20 minutes to write everything down.

I start by writing down everything I need to get done for the week. It helps me to visually see what assignments I need to get ready for, chapters to read, and videos to watch.

Once I have this all in one spot I move on to the next page, and start breaking up everything day by day. When I am writing down what I want to do for each day I try and keep in mind what other stuff I have going on that same day, like working or traveling. If I am doing one of those things I try and keep the schedule I bit lighter that day to reduce stress. But, if I have a day where I know I have nothing going on I try and fill that with as much homework as I can.

Example of breaking up my schedule

One thing I try and do when I make my schedule is write the day an assignment is due next to that assignment. Doing that helps me visually see how close I am getting to the due date.

I have found that my week is a little better of I try and do a lot of homework on Monday and Tuesday. Doing that reduces the amount of homework I have to do the rest of the week. Sometimes I am able to take Fridays off, which is nice!

Having a schedule and following it has more benefits to it than just feeling better and less stressed. One benefit I have experienced is the satisfaction of checking off all my homework for say, Monday. When that happens I know I am on pace and have put in the work I needed to put in, and I don’t feel bad about going out with friends in the evening or watching another episode on Netflix. It is also easier to work ahead when you make a schedule. I will be going out of town in a few weeks, so I will need to try and work ahead. My schedule will help me do that!

I have a couple of more tips on how to manage a busy schedule. The first is getting up earlier. Don’t think you have to get up extremely earlier than you normally do. Start out small. Try setting your alarm for 15 minutes earlier than you usually do. I was homeschooled, but in high school I made a point of getting up at 7 a.m. every day to start my homework. When I started college I began getting up at 6:30, then 6, and now I have been getting up at 5. It’s taken me a long time to get to that point, but it really helps!

Second, when you really don’t want to read those chapters or start that paper set a timer. I have found that if I set a timer for 45 minutes I have an easier time reading my school book or writing a paper. 45 minutes is not an hour, so you don’t have to commit to a long period of time. But it’s longer than a half an hour, so you feel more productive.

In the end, these are just a few ways you can make your busy schedule less stressful. I would love to hear some of the ways you find helpful managing your busy life! Comment your helpful tips below!


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