5 Ways to Stick with Your 2018 Goals

I think most people make at least one or two New Year’s resolutions. I usually have a few things I want to try to do, but, as I think with a lot of people, those resolutions slip away from me after a while. It’s easy to skip a day here and there, and before you know it... Continue Reading →

8 ways you will have a great holiday season no matter what

I love this time of year! The fall colors that slowly turn into a (hopefully) snowy winter are so cheery and cozy! I especially love Thanksgiving and Christmas and the time in between those two holidays. The traditions, festivity, and the anticipation that are all a part of this time of year are so special... Continue Reading →

Gardening and Me

When I was little I loved reading books about the pioneers traveling out West. The stories of survival and adventure grabbed my imagination. Once the pioneers finally made it out West their farming stories inspired me. I too wanted to live on a farm, grow my own food, get fresh eggs from the chickens, and... Continue Reading →

Digging Deeper into Backpacking

Backpacking has always fascinated me. I imagine climbing snowy mountains or jumping from rock to rock to get to the other side of a river. The thought of being in the outdoors in a beautiful state excites me! But, I live in Indiana where corn and bean fields are in almost every direction I look.... Continue Reading →

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